
HSE & WellBeing Management

Discover a program designed to strengthen managerial skills and provide a global view of the different families of risks associated with industrial activities.

Sustainable Mining and Digital Transformation

Benefit from a professional development program addressing a wide range of new methods and technologies developed for the mining industry, particulary those that are part of the of the wave of digital transformation.

BIM to CIM: From Building Performance to Territorial Management

Today's primary issues are digital transformation and the demand for digital specialists. As a result, the building and the city are being asked to promote this unique and highly advantageous trend. The digital urban or architectural model is with no a doubt the future working resource for architecture, engineering, urban and territorial planning, and office coordination.

August 8, 2022

What is the circular economy and why is it important?

Sustainable development requires lavish changes in the way our societies and businesses are organized. The circular economy model offers a new chance for innovation and integration between natural ecosystems, businesses, our daily lives and waste m

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