
Decarbonization of the Agro-Industry and Carbon Sequestration by Agriculture

Discover a program that allows you to understand the issues, applications and opportunities that decarbonization and carbon sequestration offer to the agribusiness and agricultural sectors.

Smart Crop Irrigation

Explore a program that allows participants to understand the basics of irrigation reasoning, through the calculation of crop water requirements, knowledge of data collection techniques such as IoT and remote sensing ...

BIM to CIM: From Building Performance to Territorial Management

Today's primary issues are digital transformation and the demand for digital specialists. As a result, the building and the city are being asked to promote this unique and highly advantageous trend. The digital urban or architectural model is with no a doubt the future working resource for architecture, engineering, urban and territorial planning, and office coordination.

March 10, 2023

Fertilizer Science and Technology?

Fertilizers play a crucial role in modern agriculture, providing plants with essential nutrients needed for growth and development. Fertilizers can be classified into organic or inorganic types, each having its unique benefits. Organic fertilizers a

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August 22, 2022

Agriculture, a key engine of economic growth 

Agriculture has always played a key role in the Moroccan economy, and over the years, the sector has adapted to different fluctuations to finally become one of the most important factors in the economy. In some countries, its importance is more

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