
frequently asked questions

Drinking Water and Sanitation Sector Planning

Acquire advanced notions on the importance of planning in the water sector in general, and in the drinking water and sanitation sector in particular.

Water Management and Supply Chain

Discover a program that aims to train managers so that they can respond concretely to the challenges they face in their respective countries

Sustainable Mining and Digital Transformation

Benefit from a professional development program addressing a wide range of new methods and technologies developed for the mining industry, particulary those that are part of the of the wave of digital transformation.

Need Help? Find Answers and Support Here

Where can I request a course brochure?

Course brochures are available for immediate download as .pdfs from course description pages.

Where can I see a list of all courses and dates?

How often are continuing education courses offered?

Where are the courses held?

What is the typical class size?

How to apply to a program?

Are the programs open to participants from outside Morocco?

How do I check the status of my application?

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?

Where will I stay?

Where can I learn more about UM6P?