Sustainability and Performance: L'Excellence par les Sciences et Technologies
Inspirées par la recherche appliquée et orientées vers les problématiques et les enjeux du monde industriel, les formations proposées par l’Executive Education de l’UM6P portent sur les domaines de la science et de la technologie : Transition énergétique, sustainability, water management, mining, industrie 4.0…
Mot du président
Mot du président
Enim nulla id quis commodo consectetur. Magna aliqua duis laborum sunt nulla labore nisi. Voluptate qui sunt Lorem sint ut ipsum nisi dolor culpa labore id quis incididunt aliquip ipsum. Qui nulla ut proident exercitation non id irure excepteur culpa sint. Lorem proident incididunt cupidatat sunt id quis eiusmod voluptate esse consequat proident. Irure ad consequat deserunt. Amet ad aute qui.
Notre offre de formation
Les formations exécutives répondent aux besoins exprimés par les différents métiers du monde industriel afin d’accompagner leurs ambitions de développement et d’ouverture sur les nouvelles tendances scientifiques et technologiques. Elles s’inspirent des challenges remontés par les équipes « terrain » et couvrent plusieurs thématiques
Notre offre de formation
Identifier la formation qui répond à vos objectifs professionnels.
Les formats proposés
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Our news
Agriculture, a key engine of economic growth
Agriculture has always played a key role in the Moroccan economy, and over the years, the sector has adapted to different fluctuations to finally become one of the most important factors in ...
Smart city strategies: towards more sustainable cities in Africa?
In today's world of digitalization and the pace of technological progress is staggering, a new trend is emerging. The Smart City, also known as the "intelligent city", is emerging in an economic, envi ...
Supply Chain Management Footprint in Water
Water is essential to human life and to our modern economy . While the agricultural and industrial sectors account for 92% of global water use, the overuse of fresh water has become a c ...
From our Allumnie
Here's what other executives had to say about our Executive education programs.
LAMIM Mustapha
Prodcution manager at OCP SA
The program was very rich and well adapted to our needs, it gave us all the tools to carry out digitalization projects within our ...
Head of national funders service - Agricultural Development Agency
The quality of logistics (reception, catering, transport) was good. The coordination was good. The main speaker was a high quality one. He knew the field an ...
Head of national funders service - Agricultural Development Agency
The quality of logistics (reception, catering, transport) was good. The coordination was good. The main speaker was a high quality one. He knew the field an ...