Pr. M’Zali Bouchra

Head of the African Chair of Innovation and Sustainable Management - UM6P

Mzali Bouchra, Ph.D., CFA is senior professor at ESG-Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada) and head of the African Chair of Innovation and Sustainable Management at University Mohamed VI (Morocco). She is also researcher at the Chair on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development at the ESG-UQAM and at the international Academy of the Interdisciplinary Research Centers (AICRI). Holder of a PH. D. in finance and of CFA, she has supervised numerous Ph.D. and Master students in Canada, Europe and North Africa. She has developed various international collaborations, including with her previous students. She co-published numerous academic papers, chapters of books or articles in newspapers. She organized and participated in numerous scientific international conferences, where some of their works received deserving awards and recognition (Canadian Award: ASAC: in 2005, 2006 and 2011; the SAB Trophy for Sustainable Finance: in 2013)