Professor at Ecole nationale supérieure d’ingénieurs de Caen - Laboratoire d’automatique et de procédés, ISMRA, Caen

Graduated from the École Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs in 1978, Pr. MOHAMMED M’SAAD has dedicated his career to the academic sphere of EMI. Initiated in teaching and research, he directed works on the adaptive control of phosphate drying towers, successfully completing his thesis in 1982. In 1987, he was appointed as Associate Professor and continued his activities at EMI. In 1988, his career led him to CNRS in Grenoble, where he obtained the title of Professor at ENSICAEN in 1996. He is the founder of the Laboratory of Automatics and Processes and has headed GREYC. His research in adaptive control has generated significant scientific output. Since January 2022, he has been pursuing his research at ENSICAEN and the University of Normandy.