Pr. MALEH Yassine

Associate professor of cybersecurity and IT governance at Sultan Moulay Slimane University

Dr Yassine Maleh is an associate professor of cybersecurity and IT governance at Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco. He is the founding chair of IEEE Consultant Network Morocco and founding president of the African Research Center of Information Technology & Cybersecurity. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of the International Association of Engineers IAENG and The Machine Intelligence Research Labs. Dr Maleh has made contributions in the fields of information security and privacy, Internet of things security, wireless and constrained networks security. His research interests include information security and privacy, Internet of things, networks security, information system, and IT governance. He has published over than 100 papers (book chapters, international journals, and conferences/workshops), 17edited books, and 3 authored books.