Pr. EL BERRY Jamila

Lawyer specialized in labor law and social security law

Jamila EL BERRY is a lawyer specialized in labor law and social security law and graduated from the ESC of DIJON BOURGOGNE with a Certificate of Management of Psychosocial Risks.
Jamila EL BERRY also has a PhD in private law devoted to the study of occupational risk prevention directed by Pierre YVES VERKINDT. She also lectures occupational risk prevention law and psychosocial risk prevention at the Universities of PARIS I PANTHEON SORBONNE and PARIS VII.
As a lecturer, she regularly conducts awareness-raising and training activities for companies on all subjects related to occupational health and safety in France and abroad, particularly in English-speaking countries. She also participates in conferences organized by specialized structures (Lamy, Liaisons Sociales, Elegia…) She regularly publishes articles in specialized legal journals on these subjects.
As an expert in labor law and occupational health and safety law, her knowledge in this field enables her to assist companies and administrations in the development of a risk prevention strategy but has also led her to assist and represent employers and executives before the civil and criminal courts in the event of an occupational accident.