Philip G Jessop

Professor Queen’s University

Dr. Philip Jessop is the Head of the Chemistry Department and the Canada Research Chair of Green Chemistry at Queen’s University in Canada, adjunct professor at the Hashemite University in Jordan, and the Executive Research Director of Forward Water Technologies Inc. His research interests include green solvents, biomass conversion and CO2-responsive materials. Distinctions include the NSERC Polanyi Award (2008), Canadian Green Chemistry & Engineering Award (2012), the Eni Award (2013), NSERC Brockhouse Prize (2019), and Fellowships in the Royal Society of Canada, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the American Chemical Society. He served as the Chair of the Editorial Board for the journal Green Chemistry (2017-2022), has chaired three major international conferences and helped create two spin-off companies and GreenCentre Canada, a centre for the commercialization of green chemistry technologies. His Tiktok video series “Jessop’s Which Is Greener?” has reached tens of thousands of viewers.