Prof. Abdelghafour ZAABOUT

Prof. Abdelghafour Zaabout is coordinating CCUS research efforts at University Mohammed 6 Polytechnic, focusing on hard-to-abate industry decarbonization and carbon-negative energy solutions. He holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering (Fluidization) from Aix-Marseille University in France. He has over a decade of deep experience from Norway (Senior Scientist at SINTEF) and the Netherlands (a Postdoc at Eindhoven University of Technology) in development, upscaling, and commercialization of CCUS technologies, through several Norwegian and European projects.  His activities covered various low-carbon technologies (e.g., blue and carbon-negative hydrogen production, decarbonization of hard-t-abate industries, Direct Air Capture, Power-to-X, etc.). Prof. Zaabout co-authored nearly 60 peer-reviewed journal papers & several patents. He participated as a panelist at key events (e.g., COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh in a UN official session on CCUS for Africa, World Power-to-X Summit, CCUS Forum in Qatar), and he chaired key sessions in several international conferences (e.g., GHGT 16).