Associate professor at UM6P/MSN ; Associate professor at TOURS Univesity, France Research engineer cycergy-EDF ; HDR in Energy storage by Batteries and Supercapacitors, France and PHD in Electrochemistry, Nantes, France

PI, Co-PI in several national and international funded project (different agencies : ANR, CNRST, EU, Region Centre Val de Loire, etc) : Electrodes, electrolytes and their interfaces in electrochemical systems (Li-ion, Na-ion, Li-S, Supercapacitors, Li-air, electrochemical sensors). Materials synthesis/modification and applications: Oxide, nanocomposites, conducting polymers, graphene, carbon nanotubes, thin films, chemical and physical grafting, membranes and interpenetrated polymer networks.
Pr. Ghamouss has co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed articles, 6 patents, conference proceedings, and reports in electrochemistry and related field, and supervised/co-supervised 20 Ph.D. thesis and more than 34 MPhils students in electrochemistry, material sciences, and electrochemical storage.
His teaching activity: undergraduate (general chemistry, thermochemistry, inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry), graduate (electrochemistry, corrosion, batteries, and supercaps), and engineering degrees (electrochemical storage).
Pr. Ghamouss was an elected member at CNU (Conseil National des Universités in France), scientific expert for the National Agency of Research (ANR)