This training delves into the technical options for handling, storing, and transporting hydrogen, including compression, liquefaction, and solid-state storage methods.It will delve into the following elements:
Classification of green hydrogen production methods: Thermal, electrical, hybrid, and biological approaches.
Understanding the fundamentals of green hydrogen production methods, including principles, mechanisms, and materials involved
Thermodynamic analysis of green hydrogen production processes, covering basic thermodynamics and the thermodynamics of electrolysis.
Comparison of theoretical efficiencies among different green hydrogen production methods to assess viability and potential for optimization.
Identifying opportunities for innovation and improvement in green hydrogen production processes to enhance efficiency and sustainability.
Tutorials on PEM and Alkaline ElectrolysersTo provide participants with an in-depth understanding of these two commonly used electrolysis technologies, covering the operating principles, materials, components and designs. The tutorial will also include a comparison of the advantages and limitations of each technology. By the end of the tutorial, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate the performance and suitability of PEM and alkaline electrolysers for different hydrogen production scenarios.
Admission is based on an application review, considering candidates' experience and skills.
BIM to CIM: from Building Performance to Territorial Management
The Executive Master's program "BIM to CIM" offered by the School of Architecture, Planning and Design (SAP+D) in collaboration with the Executive Education S&T at UM6P, operates in a context marked by di ...
Sustainability 360: A Comprehensive Approach to Tackling the Challenges of a Greener Future
Sustainability has become one of the most pressing issues of our time. As environmental challenges continue to escalate, it is imperative that we adopt a comprehensive approach to shape a greener and more s ...
Nutrient Management: Nurturing Agriculture's Future with Crop Nutrition
In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, one crucial aspect that holds the key to sustainable and productive agriculture is nutrient management. The judicious application of nutrients is not only essential for maximi ...