The digital integration of industrial processes, and more broadly the development of "Industry 4.0" concepts, is a key concern for companies seeking to enhance their efficiency and competitiveness.
The Executive Master's in Digital Factory focuses on the challenges of digital integration in industrial processes, addressing all hierarchical levels, from sensors to planning. The training modules offered enable participants to understand the complexity of integration projects and master the methods, concepts, and technologies required to address them effectively.
Program Highlights
A teaching approach combining theoretical courses, case studies, and hands-on experience with industrial equipment.
A structured pedagogical focus on digital transformation.
Learning tools and methods for industrial digitalization.
Opportunities for customized projects tailored to professional contexts.
Skills Developed
Management of digital integration projects.
Application of advanced technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence.
Modeling and simulation of industrial systems.
Development of automation and digital integration solutions.
Risk and requirements management in a digitalized environment.
Engineers or qualified technicians in the industrial field.
Prior experience in managing industrial systems or digital projects.
M1: Systems Engineering
Fundamental concepts of systems engineering.
Functional and organic modeling.
IVVQ processes and risk management.
M2: Industrial Automation
DCS systems, interface development, and advanced automation.
Cybersecurity and digital transformation.
M3: Industrial Networks and IoT
Industrial communication protocols and cabling solutions.
IIoT concepts and network security.
M4: Modeling, Simulation, and Digital Twins
Digital factory and flow simulation.
Simulation tools such as ARENA and Unity 3D.
M5: Manufacturing Operation Management (MOM)
System integration through data and ERP.
Predictive maintenance and operational excellence.
Conferences on Industrial Digital Transition Management
Strategies for sustaining digital transformation processes.
Personal Digitalization Project
Pr. Khalid KOUISS
Khalid KOUISS is a Professor of Systems Automation and Systems Engineering. He divides his time between UM6P and the SIGMA Engineering School in Clermont-Ferrand. His research activities focus on systems engineering, industrial systems modeling, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), industrial systems automation, and the implementation of Industry 4.0 concepts.
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