Meeting crop water needs is a fundamental requirement for the growth and development of cultivated plants. With ongoing climate change and the structural droughts affecting our continent, pressure on water resources continues to increase. Any savings in water usage can contribute significantly to expanding irrigated agricultural areas and, in turn, to enhancing national and continental food security. Additionally, water is the primary factor that determines the efficiency of other aspects of crop management, such as fertilization, crop protection, and other cultural practices.
This training program focuses on crop irrigation and aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of irrigation planning. It covers key aspects such as calculating crop water requirements, understanding data collection technologies like IoT and remote sensing, data processing, decision-support models, and developing digital interfaces for irrigation management.
Organized by the
AgriTech Center of Excellence at UM6P, a research, development, and innovation platform dedicated to precision agriculture in Morocco and Africa, this certificate equips agricultural producers with the information, knowledge, and skills to:
- Plan and manage crop irrigation using digital technologies.
- Apply water resources at the right time, in the right amount, and where needed to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.
- Minimize waste, reduce environmental impacts, and ultimately enhance the profitability of irrigated crops.